The first Louise Auger's figurines studio opened 25 years ago. The passion of art and the exigence of the perfection nourish the ability of the statuette makers. Inspired by the elegance of yesterday and today's shapes, the fine cream-colored earthenware remains authentic through time and trends.

All of the Louise Auger figurine's are entirely hand made, not casted in a mold, from the dress to the finest details, this particular care brings out the uniqueness of each piece, (figurine). Moreover each figurine has a name, the year of the fabrication and the signature of the artist.

These specifications are largely appreciated by collectors mostly, Americans, Canadians, Germans, and Japaneses. The artists are always working to  bring out new details with colors and texture which will constantly improve the collection.

Louise Auger figurines... 'Where elegance is in the perfection of details'.

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